Miwa and Thomas Wabi Sabi Duo is a collaborative unit based around the concept of East meets West with the wabi sabi (traditional Japanese rustic) tones of Miwa’s koto and Thomas’ western blues nuances through his voice and guitar. Their Pan-Pacific sound is a new musical journey for both artists. 

      Both traditional Japanese music and blues melodies are centred around the pentatonic scale making for an unlikely yet befitting dualism. Thomas’ bluesy yet transparent voice and guitar tones blend seamlessly with the traditional tones of the koto to create a unique and distinctive dynamic.  

     Thomas first met Miwa in late 2021 during the recording sessions for Thomas’ album “Blue Period”, a blues based creation, in which Miwa took part in six songs. The sessions successfully introduced the koto to blues, jazz and groove oriented western popular music. 

       They went on to gig several times as a duo as well as with other artists with Miwa’s koto playing to western music and the response had been immediate and decisive. For most listeners the sound was  something they had never heard before. They were lauded as being meditative, sophisticated and mysterious , but at the same time entertaining and surprisingly accessible.

      The combination of instruments and voices were akin to “Japanese cranes dancing in the snow”. The atmosphere was at once heavy and brooding as well as feathery light with the sounds conjuring up images of flurries of snow under a full moon to flurries of cherry blossom petals on a spring afternoon.

    The duo, who transcend cultural differences and conventions, look to open new doors in musical nuances. They also hope to bring down musical as well as cultural barriers as a force that connects the world.

      With the understanding that they have universal appeal with their unique but accessible music, Miwa and Thomas are looking to the future to spread their sound to the world, and look to expand their musical horizons with more collaborations and experimentation on their journey of East meets West. 



     Koto player MIWA INABA was born in Tokyo, Japan. She studied Ikuta-style koto music from the age of four. She studied Ikuta-style koto music and jiuta sangen under Akiko Yazaki and studied 17-string koto under Teiko Kikuchi.

      In pursuit of a unique sound, Miwa has performed her original compositions in concert, toured with Kei Ogura and Jadranka Stojakovic, the popular Bosnian singer, and participated in performances by Atsuko Asano, Himawari Theater Company, and the theater club "Za".

      Miwa has composed and arranged many pieces for traditional Japanese instruments, and won the first prize in the composition division of the Michio Miyagi Memorial Competition in 1949.

      In 1991, Miwa won first prize at the "Open Audition of Works by Yutaka Makino" sponsored by the Dainihon Katei Ongaku Kai and the Japanese Music Journal. She also participated in the CD recording of works by Yutaka Makino. 

     In 2005, "NHK Special: Raising the Children of the Earth" on NHK General TV, which used "Distant Rain" (composed by Miwa Inaba) as an insert song for the program, won the 2005 Grand Prix Japan Prize.

      Miwa took part in overseas performances such as the 2002 "Japan-China Normalization of Diplomatic Relations 30th Anniversary Tour in China" sponsored by the Japan Foundation. 

     As a member of the Japanese instrumental group  "Bikamu," for which she also composes and arranges many pieces, Miwa participated in the "Japanese Music Demonstration Bikamu: Tour of the Russian Far East," a project sponsored by the Japan Foundation in 2003, the Festival de Chaillol in France in 2005, and a tour of Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2016.

          In 2009 Miwa toured Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina with Jadranka and Yoshiko Sakata (biwa) as a trio. Participated in the Sarajevo Winter Festival. In 2010 Miwa participated in a tour of Korea with Dongfeng - Another Silk Road. In 2019 Miwa participated in the Cherry Blossom Festival event at the invitation of the Embassy of Japan in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

THOMAS TOSH SAWADA - Guitar & Vocals  

     THOMAS TOSH SAWADA is a guitarist, singer, music producer, FM Deejay and novelist from Toronto Canada. He graduated the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) and majored in Film/Film Soundtrack and later in Architecture. 

     He learned to play guitar at 11 years old and began classical singing lessons when he was 8. As a young man he fell in love with blues and  jazz as well as funk, reggae and rock n’ roll and was a fixture in the Toronto blues scene. 

      He currently resides in Tokyo, Japan and had debuted from Mercury Music Entertainment in 1996 as a singer, guitarist and  songwriter for the jazz funk band UNLIMITED EDITION with the album PLEASURE.

     Since then he had excelled as a guitarist, singer, producer, arranger and songwriter for many artists (Yuji Oda, Hiroshi Tachi, Aya Sugimoto, Johnny Okura, Hiro Tsunoda,  etc ) as well as films (Abunai Deka, White Out, Out of this World etc White Out was the highest grossing Japanese movie in history at the time of its release). He also participated in projects involving global artists such as members of the Kid Creole Band, Lonnie Plaxico, Stephen Stanley, Take 4, and award winning producers Craig Leon and Ray Hayden. 

      Thomas released his first solo album BETWEEN US from Cafe Soul Records in 2013 then his second solo album SNOW ECHOES in December of 2020 and his third solo album BLUE PERIOD with the Wabi Sabi Blues Band. 

      Thomas is also an FM Radio personality on 84.0 FM HASL RADIO in North Tokyo. The show airs every Wednesday at 8pm.

     Thomas, as an author, had released his first novel ACCIDENTAL MOSAIC in English in 2019 as well the Japanese Novel "Yukinozankyo - Human Mosaic" from Katsura Books in August of 2020. His second novel is to be released in 2023. 


Thomas Official Website 

Crane Dance


Miwa & Thomas’ Wabi Sabi Blues Duo  

は、[稲葉美和の箏]+[トーマスのギター&ボーカル]による、EAST MEETS WESTをコンセプトとしたコラボレーションユニットだ。ZENの侘び寂びと、カナディアンブルースのニュアンスをミックスしたPAN PACIFIC SOUNDは、二人のアーティストにとってもオーディエンスにとっても、新しい音楽の旅となるだろう。


    二人の出会いは、2021年末、トーマスのブルース・アルバム『BLUE PERIOD』のレコーディングだった。初対面を感じさせないノリで、美和はいきなり6曲に参加した。ブルース、ジャズ、西洋ポピュラーミュージックとして構成されていたプログラムに、アクシデンタルとも言える形で箏の導入が実現した瞬間だった。





稲葉美和 - 箏





     2005年 稲葉美和作曲の「遠くの雨」が挿入曲として使用されたNHK総合テレビ「NHKスペシャル~大地の子を育てて」が、2005年日本賞グランプリを受賞。






THOMAS TOSH SAWADA - ギター&ヴォーカル  



      現在は東京在住で、1996年にジャズ・ファンク・バンドUNLIMITED EDITIONのシンガー、ギタリスト、ソングライターとしてアルバム『PLEASURE』でマーキュリー・ミュージックエンタテインメントからデビューした。

     以来、ギタリスト、シンガー、プロデューサー、アレンジャー、ソングライターとして多くのアーティスト(織田裕二、舘ひろし、杉本彩、ジョニー大倉、つのだひろなど)や映画(『あぶない刑事』、『ホワイトアウト』、『この世の外へ-アウト・オブ・ディス・ワールド』など)に参加。また、Kid Creole Bandのメンバー、Lonnie PlaxicoStephen StanleyTake4、受賞歴のあるプロデューサー、Craig LeonRay Hayden など、世界的なアーティストが参加するプロジェクトにも参加した。

      トーマスは2013年にカフェ・ソウル・レコードから初のソロアルバム『BETWEEN US』をリリースし、202012月に2枚目ソロアルバム『SNOW ECHOES』をリリースし、そしてWabi Sabi Blues Band3枚目のソロアルバム『BLUE PERIOD』をリリースした。

      トーマスは84.0FM 発するRADIOFMラジオのパーソナリティも務めている。番組は毎週水曜日午後8時からの放送。

     作家としてのトーマスは、2019年に初の英語小説『ACCIDENTAL MOSAIC』をリリースし、20208月には桂書房から日本語小説『雪の残響-ヒューマン・モザイク-』をリリースした。20239月には第2作『INDIGO』を英語でリリースした。日本語版は2024リリース予定。


Thomas Official Website